Articles I've written.

I'm write on topics ranging from Christmas to Anglo-Christianity, to tech, and all things growth and marketing.

Where to read my articles

This I Believe - Creeds in Christianity

Misfits Theology

Doctrine matters. It’s not possible to truly be one with diverse teachings. This is why we have creeds - to preserve the faith delivered once and for all - the faith handed to the Apostles by Christ and preserved unconquered by the Holy Spirit’s operation in the Church.

Faith in a Time of Chaos

Faith in a Time of Chaos

As the pandemic grows, it’s creating some honestly trying times. There are so many opinions floating around about what the right response is from the church. Criticisms are being waged against bishops, arguments are breaking out on social media, and people are frustrated—the general feeling of uneasiness and anxiety is manifesting in very negative ways.

Keeping the Culture in Remore Culture


Maintaining a company culture when everyone is co-located is hard. Doing it remotely is even harder. But it's far from impossible. As someone who's been working on remote teams for the past several years, first at Compose and now at Serverless, here are some things I've learned about how to keep remote culture great. Hint: it starts with leadership.

Fatherhood, A Kind of Asceticism

In Christianity, we place a real emphasis on asceticism; it’s an integral part of our faith. When people think of asceticism, the first image to come to mind is that of a monk or nun and their hours of prayer, days of fasting, submission to a spiritual elder. Maybe, if we look at little deeper, we see the asceticism of our parish priest, others in our communities, perhaps within our homes; those who keep vigils, feasts, fasts, who pray the hours, study the scriptures. I don’t mean to downplay those men and women of faith, but, in the last year, I’ve learned about a whole new kind of asceticism in fatherhood.

Stay the Course in 2018

The Writing Cooperative

Get started early to keep your writing resolutions going strong throughout the new year.

Bringing Christmas Entertainment into the 21st Century

Bello Creative

Christmas entertainment has moved into the 21st century, coming straight to your phones as podcasts. As podcasts continue their steady increase in popularity, Christmas podcasts are coming into their own. You won’t typically find happy carolers or feel-good stories of families coming together, but instead, you’ll learn something new about things you love.